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Mr Ian Holmes Bsc (Hons) NPQH

On behalf of the children, staff and governors I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Holbrook Primary School.

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about us and I do hope that the website will give you an insight into the school, its values, ethos and expectations.  Our values of Co-operation, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Tolerance underpin our work and contribute strongly to positive attitudes to learning. 

At Holbrook, we have high aspirations for every child at the school and are committed to every child attaining their potential through experiencing a broad range of learning opportunities.  We are dedicated to delivering a rich and exciting curriculum that will provide all children with valuable skills to go on to become successful life-long learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

I am extremely proud to lead a very talented and dedicated team of teachers and support staff who work exceptionally hard to offer the best possible education for all our pupils, challenging each individual within a caring and supportive culture.

We value the positive relationships we build between children, staff and parents and aim to create a sense of family across the school community, so that all children are happy and enjoy coming to school. 

Our wonderful facilities include a well-resourced library, lovely conservation area, extensive playgrounds and fields, a thinking garden and up-to-date IT facilities including iPads all of which contribute to memorable learning experiences.

If you would like the opportunity to experience the school first-hand then please contact us to arrange a visit.

I look forward to welcoming you into our school.

Ian Holmes
