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Equality Duty

Holbrook Primary School Equality Objectives

Equality objective 1: To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity

Why we have chosen this objective:

To ensure that our school community understands that we live in a diverse country that recognises, celebrates and tolerates different views, faiths and cultures. To enable students see themselves represented in the curriculum and curriculum materials in ways that affirm their identity.


To achieve this objective we plan to:

Ensure our curriculum exploits opportunities to represent diversity. Update learning resources to reflect local and national diversity and to provide positive role models for all protected groups. Students hear stories and learn about the contributions of people of different ethnicities, religions, women, disabled people, LGBTQ+ and people with other protected characteristics. Create links with different communities and religious leaders to support our curriculum.



Progress we are making towards achieving this objective:

We have identified areas within each subject that provide opportunities for diversity. Staff training has been prioritized to ensure that staff knowledge and understanding is up to date. Year groups participate in relevant celebrations and events, in-line with our RE curriculum.


Equality objective 2:To share and celebrate nationalities of Holbrook school community.

Why we have chosen this objective:

To improve social connections between home and school, ensuring that the school community is aware of the school’s ethnic, linguistic, social and cultural make-up.



To achieve this objective we plan to:

Improve parent engagement by inviting parents and carers from different backgrounds into school to talk about their background, faith or profession. Showcase achievements to help challenge stereotypes.



Progress we are making towards achieving this objective:

Offering translations on our online platforms including the website and Seesaw. Different cultures are represented in displays around the school e.g. RE and key inspirational people from across the curriculum.


Reviewed annually.