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Challenging More Able children

At Holbrook we aim to provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs and abilities of all our children. We plan our teaching and learning in such a way that we enable each child to reach for the highest level of personal achievement. As members of NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education), we use this resource to help plan for and support our more able children.

Teachers in our school plan carefully to meet the learning needs of all our children.  We give all children the opportunity to show what they know, understand and can do.

We achieve this in a variety of ways when planning for children’s learning and provide:

  • Challenge – providing activities and experiences that engage, interest and stimulate at a high level.
  • Enrichment – adding breadth and range to a child’s attainment and progress through activities and experiences which consolidate and widen the child’s knowledge, skills and understanding. These also include enrichment days.
  • Extension – providing opportunities for the children to increase the depth of their knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • Progressing – providing the opportunity for children to progress through their work at their own rate of learning.

Dive deeper

Children are encouraged to dive deeper in lessons where they have achieved the work set

Enrichment opportunities are provided, including visits to other schools, specialist visitors, competitions and theme weeks.

Children enjoying a choral day at Christs Hospital

Specialist teachers from nearby secondary schools visit to take lessons

We attend sporting competitions

Visitors give the children the opportunity to try out new things