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Become a Governor at Holbrook Primary School

Your Experience + A little of your time = A Brighter Future

Join our school governance team to help shape the future for our next generation.  We value your experience in business and industry to help guide, challenge and support us as a school.

You likely have useful skills to offer - and you don’t need education experience at all!  In fact, your skillset is likely very helpful to a school governance team, whatever your background.

Being part of the school governance team (officially: the “Governing Body”) offers you the chance to get involved in ways that suit you.  Perhaps you can offer your help with monitoring Health & Safety at our school; or perhaps you are good with figures and can offer your time helping analyse the school budget and other financial matters; or perhaps your role is best suited to organising community involvement and promoting the school and its values within the wider community?

Schools need a variety of skills on their Governing team - and there will be ways you can get involved and provide help and support to achieve the wider aims of the school and its vision for the future.  Whether your experience or skills are in marketing, finance, law, human resources, data analysis, team management, education or any other business area - you can make a difference.

There is much evidence showing the positive effects of high quality governance on how well a school is run and what pupils can achieve.

By choosing to becoming a Governor, you will be sitting alongside other people on the team including staff, elected parents, and other members of the community.  Working together as one Governing Body, and in smaller sub-committees where necessary, you will help shape the decisions the school makes and monitor its effective progress on behalf of all the children it supports.

The school will benefit from your involvement - and we know you will gain much personal and professional satisfaction from the role too!

With 1-2 full Governing Body meetings per term (and any sub-committee meetings similarly arranged) taking place usually late afternoon or early morning (to suit), the time commitment for the role is manageable.  Occasional visits to see the school in action are arranged and your involvement in celebrations is most welcome.

We know you may have questions about the role or about the school, so we invite you to contact the Clerk to the Governors (Mrs S Moloney) by e-mailing for further information.